Here are just a few of the most important reasons why…
Just a few years ago, those of us in the Internet marketing industry were excited about the new challenges and possibilities associated with “mobile web design.” Now there is a debate about whether that term even means anything. After all, mobile smartphone and tablet users now make up the majority on the web. That means mobile-friendly web design isn’t a new category of work – it’s the normal for most businesses. The companies who haven’t caught up are the ones who stand out, and not in a good way. Mobile is the new normal, and you don’t want your business to be left behind.

Google is Prioritizing Mobile Compatibility
The engineers at Google know what their users want. Because more than half of their traffic is mobile, too, they have strongly integrated mobile functionality into their search algorithm. Test your site for mobile responsiveness here. For all the time, effort, and money business owners have put into search engine optimization, many don’t realize they’ll soon disappear from the rankings altogether because of a lack of mobile compatibility. If you weren’t going to improve your site to make it more usable to your buyers, then you should do so because the world’s most popular search engine will ignore you otherwise.
In the minds of many new clients, adding mobile functionality to a website means an enormous investment of time and money. The reality, though, is that it’s relatively simple to go from an existing layout to one that is responsive (which means that it adapts itself to different screen sizes and browsers). Given that it won’t cost a fortune, and that it opens business to mobile customers and increased search traffic, the improvement is a win-win that pays for itself pretty quickly.
If you’ve been putting off the upgrade to a mobile-friendly small business website, now is the time to catch up with the competition. You still have a chance to stay on the good side of Google and your customer base, but you don’t want to put yourself at a permanent disadvantage.
Call or email our team today to set up a free consultation and see how easy and affordable it is to bring your web presence up-to-date.
Or Contact WebWize At 713-416-7111
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About Glenn Brooks
Glenn Brooks is the founder of WebWize, Inc. WebWize has provided web design, development, hosting, SEO and email services since 1994. Glenn graduated from SWTSU with a degree in Commercial Art and worked in the advertising, marketing, and printing industries for 18 years before starting WebWize.